
O/A-Level Past Papers Session 2020 !!!

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session started from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session.
Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining our Past Papers Session.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

O/A-Level Past Papers Session 2020 !!!

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session started from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

A-Level Science Practicals. Physics , Chemistry & Biology will start from Tuesday (15th September 2020).

Science Practical’s will start from Tuesday (15th September 2020)

GreenHall Academy Gulberg Campus.



What are
the practical skills required for physics and why do you need them?

The practical skills involved are:

– manipulation, measurement and observation,
the collection of simple data to an appropriate accuracy, choosing the right
range and distribution of values

– presentation of data and observations in a

– analysis, conclusions and evaluation, using
and justifying the correct number of significant figures

– plotting of a graph and calculation of a
gradient. In the second paper this involves the use of logarithms and plotting
error bars on graphs

– estimating the uncertainties in measurements
made and identifying the most significant sources of uncertainty

– calculating the uncertainty in the value of
a calculated quantity made from two or more measurements each with their own

– evaluation of the method involved and
suggesting improvements

– planning an experiment, including
identifying dependent and independent variables and quantities that remain
constant, identifying any risks involved

Developing practical skills prepares
students for studies beyond A Level in physics, engineering or in
physics-dependent vocational courses. Practical’s also help students
develop abilities and skills that are useful in everyday life and encourage
safe practice. These practical skills help to develop attitudes such
as a concern for accuracy and precision, initiative, inventiveness and a spirit
of enquiry.

These skills are important in employment and
go far beyond mere knowledge of facts. A good practical course also
helps to develop an interest in the subject of physics itself and complements
the study of the theory, showing that scientific theory is ultimately grounded
by experiment. The amount of practical apparatus required does not
have to be enormous because working within the resources available is another
useful ability. It’s important to remember that students can learn a lot
from practical work that goes wrong as well as from experiments that
work perfectly every time.

What are the main challenges
for students carrying out practical work?

Many students at A Level may not have had much
experience of practical work and may not consider themselves to be
very ‘practical’, but there is no need to be afraid of simple experiments.
Students need practice in setting up simple apparatus  and to be happy in
carrying out the experiment by themselves. When a student has enough experience
of simple apparatus then they face the challenge of writing a method where they
must choose the apparatus and method for themselves. This might be for an
experiment that differs from any that they have previously seen and shows their
inventiveness and initiative.

Students may also
believe practical work to be a mathematical exercise where there is a
right and a wrong answer. This is not the case. Every reading has an inherent
uncertainty and students need to be happy to estimate uncertainties in simple
quantities, such as the measurement of length and time by either repeating
readings or taking the smallest scale reading on the instrument used. They also
need to realize that the uncertainty is only an estimate and is itself not
exactly known.

There are a few mathematical challenges,
particularly for those not studying mathematics at A Level. These include the
use of logarithms and combining uncertainties, where a real familiarity with
percentages is a useful skill. However, the average student can learn the
necessary skills with a reasonable amount of application.

What are your 5 top tips for
students for practical work ?

1) Think actively about every topic. Do you
understand what is going on? If not, then ask a question.

2) Know how to estimate uncertainty as the
smallest scale division or, better, half the range in the readings.

3) After every experiment write down:

– the steps that you actually took during the

– whether each quantity was dependent, independent or kept constant

– major difficulties

– improvements

4) Realize that readings in a table are
measured, usually, to the same precision, i.e. to the same number of decimal
places, but that calculated quantities should be given to the smallest number
of significant figures in the quantities used in the calculation.

5) Take care when plotting graphs.

– does your graph cover half the page
horizontally and vertically?

– does it have units on both axes?

– check your points are accurate

– use a long ruler when drawing a straight line

– show your working in finding the gradient



5 tips for students by GreenHall Academy


1) Remember that practical work is
important; it is a component of your examinations. Therefore, make the most of
whatever practical experience that you are given and don’t think of
it as relaxation time away from theory work.

2) Remember that practical work is
related to the rest of the syllabus. If you are not sure why you are doing
the practical – ask your teacher to explain. When you are told that
you will be doing a practical investigation, write down what you
think are the aims of the practical work and what you hope to get
from it.

3) If you have a practical partner,
then agree responsibilities. For example, if you are measuring the rate of a
reaction by following the change in the volume of gas produced, one of you can
measure the time and help countdown to the next reading, while your partner can
read the volume.

4) If you are going to do an
assessed practical, then ask your teacher what criteria she or he is going
to use when allocating the marks.

5) Try and maintain a
good balance between your awareness of safety and a confident use of the
apparatus. You should by now know how to use a Bunsen burner safely and the
difference between gentle heating and strong heating, even some advanced level
students think that gentle heating involves a yellow Bunsen burner flame.
practical workbook has a chapter on basic techniques. If
this textbook is available, then take a look at this chapter.



What are
the practical skills required for biology and why do you need them?

Before they can embark on AS & A
Level practical work with confidence, students should be familiar
with the use of a typical school laboratory. This includes things such as
balances, measuring cylinders, beakers, pipettes (or syringes), heating
apparatus and thermometers. It is also important that students know how to work
safely when carrying out practical work.

A knowledge of basic biochemical tests such as
the tests for starch, glucose, protein and lipids is useful as these are often
revisited at AS & A Level.  There is also an assumption that students
are aware of simple tests from Cambridge IGCSE™ chemistry, such as using
universal indicator paper and testing for using limewater to test for carbon
dioxide gas. These chemical tests are often used when carrying
out practicals at AS and A Level biology.

Students should also understand how to plan
valid experiments with standardized variables and repeats. They should also
know how to draw results tables that display data effectively. Evaluating the
design of simple experiments, such as recognizing the level of accuracy of equipment
is also a useful skill to reinforce before AS & A Level. All these skills
help to provide a good foundation upon which to build.

What can be the main challenges
for students carrying out practical work ?

For biology experiments, results can often be
unpredictable! Living organisms often do not respond in the ways that we
expect. For example, a piece of pond weed in an investigation into the effect
of light intensity, may not photosynthesis due to several reasons. Students
need to be patient, accept that all results are valid and explore the reasons
for results not being as expected. Many students think that getting unexpected
results is essentially the mark of a bad experiment – in reality, getting the
‘wrong results’ can be a learning experience in itself. Students should also
not be scared to ‘have a go’ and be encouraged to try again if something did
not seem to work first time.

What are your 5 top tips for
students ?

1) Be confident and keep trying even if a
technique is difficult

2) Don’t expect results to always go the way you planned – remember that living
organisms can be very different to one another

3) Work safely – always wear eye protection and risk assess everything

4) Be organized – keep all your equipment tidy on your bench

5) Enjoy practical work – it is your opportunity to apply your
knowledge to the real thing

Science Practical’s will start from Tuesday (15th September 2020) at
GreenHall Academy Gulberg Campus.


Registrations Open.

For Details:

GreenHall Academy Gulberg Campus: 


GreenHall Academy Johar Town Campus:

<www.facebook.com/greenhallacademyjt> 0311-6333666,

GreenHall Academy DHA Phase 1 Campus:



[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching
Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

#GreenHall #GreenHallAcademy #OLevel #ALevel #tuition #CAIE

#Science #Practical’s #Physics #Chemistry #Biology



A-Level Science Practicals. Physics , Chemistry & Biology will start from Tuesday (15th September 2020).

& A-Level Science Practical’s will start from Tuesday (15th September
2020) at 

GreenHall Academy Gulberg Campus.


are the practical skills required for physics and why do you need

The practical skills
involved are:

manipulation, measurement and observation, the collection of simple data to an
appropriate accuracy, choosing the right range and distribution of values

presentation of data and observations in a table

analysis, conclusions and evaluation, using and justifying the correct number
of significant figures

plotting of a graph and calculation of a gradient. In the second paper this
involves the use of logarithms and plotting error bars on graphs

estimating the uncertainties in measurements made and identifying the most
significant sources of uncertainty

calculating the uncertainty in the value of a calculated quantity made from two
or more measurements each with their own uncertainty

evaluation of the method involved and suggesting improvements

planning an experiment, including identifying dependent and independent
variables and quantities that remain constant, identifying any risks involved

Developing practical skills
prepares students for studies beyond A Level in physics, engineering or in
physics-dependent vocational courses. Practical’s also help students
develop abilities and skills that are useful in everyday life and encourage
safe practice. These practical skills help to develop attitudes such
as a concern for accuracy and precision, initiative, inventiveness and a spirit
of enquiry.

skills are important in employment and go far beyond mere knowledge of facts. A
good practical course also helps to develop an interest in the
subject of physics itself and complements the study of the theory, showing that
scientific theory is ultimately grounded by experiment. The amount of practical apparatus
required does not have to be enormous because working within the resources
available is another useful ability. It’s important to remember that students
can learn a lot from practical work that goes wrong as well as
from experiments that work perfectly every time.

are the main challenges for students carrying out practical work?

students at A Level may not have had much experience of practical work
and may not consider themselves to be very ‘practical’, but there is no need to
be afraid of simple experiments. Students need practice in setting up simple
apparatus  and to be happy in carrying out the experiment by themselves.
When a student has enough experience of simple apparatus then they face the
challenge of writing a method where they must choose the apparatus and method
for themselves. This might be for an experiment that differs from any that they
have previously seen and shows their inventiveness and initiative.

may also believe practical work to be a mathematical exercise where
there is a right and a wrong answer. This is not the case. Every reading has an
inherent uncertainty and students need to be happy to estimate uncertainties in
simple quantities, such as the measurement of length and time by either
repeating readings or taking the smallest scale reading on the instrument used.
They also need to realize that the uncertainty is only an estimate and is
itself not exactly known.

are a few mathematical challenges, particularly for those not studying
mathematics at A Level. These include the use of logarithms and combining
uncertainties, where a real familiarity with percentages is a useful skill.
However, the average student can learn the necessary skills with a reasonable
amount of application.

are your 5 top tips for students for practical work ?

Think actively about every topic. Do you understand what is going on? If not,
then ask a question.

Know how to estimate uncertainty as the smallest scale division or, better,
half the range in the readings.

After every experiment write down:

the steps that you actually took during the experiment

– whether each quantity was dependent, independent or kept constant

– major difficulties

– improvements

Realize that readings in a table are measured, usually, to the same precision,
i.e. to the same number of decimal places, but that calculated quantities
should be given to the smallest number of significant figures in the quantities
used in the calculation.

Take care when plotting graphs.

does your graph cover half the page horizontally and vertically?

– does it have units on both axes?

– check your points are accurate

– use a long ruler when drawing a straight line

– show your working in finding the gradient



tips for students by GreenHall Academy

Remember that practical work is important; it is a component of your
examinations. Therefore, make the most of whatever practical experience
that you are given and don’t think of it as relaxation time away from theory

Remember that practical work is related to the rest of the syllabus.
If you are not sure why you are doing the practical – ask your
teacher to explain. When you are told that you will be doing a practical investigation,
write down what you think are the aims of the practical work and what
you hope to get from it.

If you have a practical partner, then agree responsibilities. For
example, if you are measuring the rate of a reaction by following the change in
the volume of gas produced, one of you can measure the time and help countdown
to the next reading, while your partner can read the volume.

If you are going to do an assessed practical, then ask your teacher what
criteria she or he is going to use when allocating the marks.

Try and maintain a good balance between your awareness of safety and a
confident use of the apparatus. You should by now know how to use a Bunsen
burner safely and the difference between gentle heating and strong heating,
even some advanced level students think that gentle heating involves a yellow
Bunsen burner flame. The practical workbook has
a chapter on basic techniques. If this textbook is available, then take a look
at this chapter.



are the practical skills required for biology and why do you need

they can embark on AS & A Level practical work with confidence,
students should be familiar with the use of a typical school laboratory. This
includes things such as balances, measuring cylinders, beakers, pipettes (or
syringes), heating apparatus and thermometers. It is also important that students
know how to work safely when carrying out practical work.

knowledge of basic biochemical tests such as the tests for starch, glucose,
protein and lipids is useful as these are often revisited at AS & A
Level.  There is also an assumption that students are aware of simple
tests from Cambridge IGCSE™ chemistry, such as using universal indicator paper
and testing for using limewater to test for carbon dioxide gas. These chemical
tests are often used when carrying out practicals at AS and A Level

should also understand how to plan valid experiments with standardized
variables and repeats. They should also know how to draw results tables that
display data effectively. Evaluating the design of simple experiments, such as recognizing
the level of accuracy of equipment is also a useful skill to reinforce before
AS & A Level. All these skills help to provide a good foundation upon which
to build.

can be the main challenges for students carrying out practical work ?

biology experiments, results can often be unpredictable! Living organisms often
do not respond in the ways that we expect. For example, a piece of pond weed in
an investigation into the effect of light intensity, may not photosynthesis due
to several reasons. Students need to be patient, accept that all results are
valid and explore the reasons for results not being as expected. Many students
think that getting unexpected results is essentially the mark of a bad
experiment – in reality, getting the ‘wrong results’ can be a learning
experience in itself. Students should also not be scared to ‘have a go’ and be
encouraged to try again if something did not seem to work first time.

are your 5 top tips for students ?

Be confident and keep trying even if a technique is difficult

2) Don’t expect results to always go the way you planned – remember that living
organisms can be very different to one another

3) Work safely – always wear eye protection and risk assess everything

4) Be organized – keep all your equipment tidy on your bench

5) Enjoy practical work – it is your opportunity to apply your
knowledge to the real thing

Science Practical’s will start from Tuesday 

(15th September 2020) at
GreenHall Academy Gulberg Campus.




Academy Gulberg Campus: 




& Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests

#GreenHall #GreenHallAcademy #OLevel #ALevel #tuition #CAIE

#Science #Practical’s #Physics #Chemistry #Biology


1 Day to go ! O/A-Level Past Papers Session will start from 1st September 2020.

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session starting from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

2 Days to go ! O/A-Level Past Papers Session will start from 1st September 2020.

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session starting from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

3 Days to go ! O/A-Level Past Papers Session will start from 1st September 2020.

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session starting from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

4 Days to go ! O/A-Level Past Papers Session will start from 1st September 2020.

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session starting from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

4 Days to go ! O/A-Level Past Papers Session will start from 1st September 2020.

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session starting from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

5 Days to go ! O/A-Level Past Papers Session will start from 1st September 2020.

Achieve High Grades by Joining our Past Papers Session starting from 1st September 2020.
Last year most of our students managed to get an A* in CAIE Exams by attending our Past Papers Session. Increase your chances to improve your Grades by joining us on 1st September 2020.
Registrations Open.
Limited Seats !!!
• Exams Secrets / Tips.
• Revision of Syllabus through important Topics.
• Last chance to ensure A* Grades in CAIE Oct/Nov 2020 Exams.
For Details:
Gulberg Campus:0312-5314148
Paragon :03207777456
Wapda Town:0311-6333444
DHA Phase I:0331-5314143
Johar Town:03116333666
DHA Phase IV: 0320-6666989
Faisal Town: 03116333777
[Largest & Most Reputed Evening Coaching Network of O/A Level & Entry Tests Preparations]

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